So last weekend, one of my bestest friends Jessica and I took our daughters for a little over night trip to Little Rock. Our daughters share something very special, their birthday! They are only three hours apart. We went to see Disney Princesses on Ice and I highly recommend it. The show was expensive, but awesome and the girls loved it! It had all the major characters they they could recognize and it is little girl paradise :)

So we decided that before the show we would have a good dinner and the girls did not agree, they were climbing all over the place. Nevertheless, "The Butcher Shop" has great steaks if you ever want to visit. As you can see, she is so excited to get her picture taken with mommy, lol. Mommy is looking much rounder these days as well. So dinner and show were a success and the girls slept to the hotel. They went down pretty easily that night. The next morning we get up to breakfast! Embassy Suites is a god sent for parents with children, two spacious rooms, cooked to order breakfast and buffet that you can bring up and dine at your own table in your room.

So after the girls ran around and played, the moms decided we should try and swing by the Little Rock Zoo. I haven't been to the LR Zoo since I was much much younger and Jessica had never been. I WAS IMPRESSED, much better than the Tulsa Zoo. It was not as large, but definitely updated and cleaner. So we rented a double stroller and took off on an adventure. We saw tons of animals, snacked, rode the train and the carousel. It was an all around fabulous time :) even 25 weeks pregnant!
I am looking forward to many more mother daughter trips like that one, thanks Jessica and Raegan!
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