Friday, January 20, 2012

Christmas Part 2

To me, Christmas is hectic, stressful and the most wonderful time of the year, why?   It's one of the few times a year we get to spend it with family.  Family means everything as I have come to know while making one of my own.  I would love to shut ourselves in and celebrate just the five of us, but I know in my heart one day it will only be the five of us. You can't get back that time that you miss when people are gone and there are no more memories to be made.  So we pack our little family up and try to spend Christmas with the ones we love and don't see everyday of the year.   

So here we go with Part 2
Christmas at the McKinleys

This year we had both great grandmothers which was nice.  The kids were overrun with presents and all too excited to start the Christmas holiday.  Everyone got more than they needed and we had a wonderful lasagna dinner except for Madelyn who ate the usual PB&J..

It was a wonderful night and  Robin was there to celebrate with us which made it even better!


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About Me

Because I love it.....sums it up. I am a SAHM to 2 precious girls, who has grown up in the clothing industry. This is my blog to share what I love, how I shop and tips that I have learned. I am not on an unlimited budget, so I had to learn how to shop and when to shop. As a mom, I know what works for me. I just needed an outlet (and excuse) to shop, look and share ;).