Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Christmas Trilogy Part 1

This is the first post of my Christmas Trilogy which will be my last posts to catch up for 2011.  Somewhere I completely lost thanksgiving, note to self for next year take more pictures of everything especially the Holidays!!  You will notice in my posts that there are not enough pictures on here of our own Christmas morning. Shame on me we were busy living the moment and I did not capture many pics, regrets on my part for sure.  So here are the few pics I did get before I get to part 1.


Part 1:
Let's begin at my photoshoot for the kids for our Christmas cards.  I wish I was better at taking more natural shots of the kids just doing what they would normally do, but my kids are 11, 4 and 5 months so there is not much they do together lol.  So I would settle for some still poses in the backyard with my homemade festive set.  It just so happen to be a windy day on that Sunday, but I had procrastinated and it was do or die time while I had them all together.

 Getting 3 kids to smile at you, impossible...... Getting 3 kids to look at you at the same time, near impossible........ Throw in shadows, hair in the face and all out boredom for the kids, I soon had new respect for the photographers I love to stalk on Facebook.   So let me show you the decent ones I got first..... Keep in mind these are my raw photos they have not been altered in photoshop yet.


That's right, basically I got 2-4 workable photos out of 75.  Hilarious, I know.  Bottom line, yes I can pay hundreds for professional and beautiful photos of my children and probably will once a year, but this day was a great memory  and I had lots of fun doing it.  So here is what most of my photos actually looked like.


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About Me

Because I love it.....sums it up. I am a SAHM to 2 precious girls, who has grown up in the clothing industry. This is my blog to share what I love, how I shop and tips that I have learned. I am not on an unlimited budget, so I had to learn how to shop and when to shop. As a mom, I know what works for me. I just needed an outlet (and excuse) to shop, look and share ;).